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Introduction of common rfid sensors.Pet Microchip wholesale

source:Industry News Popular:rfid fpc tag release time:2022-06-20 09:52:33 Article author:yu

  Introduction of common rfid sensors

  1. Temperature sensor: a device that converts temperature changes into electrical signals.

  (1)Contact type: high precision. Commonly used: bimetal/glass/pressure/thermistor/thermocouple, etc.

  (2) Non-contact: using the basic law of black body radiation (the relationship between the emissivity and frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted from a black body)

  Advantages: There is no upper limit to the highest measurable temperature.

  (3) Thermocouple: The temperature difference between the working end (A) and the free end (B) of two different conductors is used to form a loop and generate a thermoelectromotive force.

  Features: high precision, wide range, simple structure.

  (4) Thermistor: A device that uses the resistance change caused by the temperature change of the semiconductor.

  Advantages: high sensitivity, small size, fast response to temperature changes.

  Disadvantages: Not strong, easy to self-heat and cause permanent damage.

  (5) Infrared thermometer: Using the principle of infrared, the infrared radiation energy emitted by the measured object is converted into an electrical signal through an optical signal.

  Advantages: non-contact, fast response, long life.

  Applications: target size, distance, material, environment and target material.

  2. Acceleration sensor:

  (1) Piezoelectric: The piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric ceramics or quartz crystals is used.

  Advantages: Wide dynamic range, no external power supply, rugged and durable.

  Application: Vibration measurement sensing.

  (2) Capacitive: A capacitive sensor based on the principle of capacitance with a change in pole distance.

  Advantages: high precision, stable output, small drift, low cost.

  (3) Force sensor: a device that converts the physical quantity of force into related electrical signals.

  Classification of force sensors: strain type/piezoresistive type/capacitive type (there are many types) Problems to be considered when using:

  .Choose suitable equipment according to specific occasions

  .According to the environment: temperature, sealing, explosion-proof, etc.

  .According to accuracy requirements:

  .Sensor range: Generally, the range should be more than 2 times of the impact force.

  (4) Gas sensor: It is converted into an electrical signal device according to the gas volume fraction.

  Classification: Semiconductor / Electrochemical / Thermal Conductor / Infrared / Catalytic Combustion / Dielectric

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