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Is the RFID device the way to quickly manage the bank?

source:Industry News Popular:rfid fpc tag release time:2022-02-23 09:00:40 Article author:sznbone

  Is the RFID device the way to quickly manage the bank?

  Banks have the largest daily flow of funds and assets. The flow of funds means that the daily flow of goods in and out of bank vaults and distribution is increasing, especially a large number of high-value cash boxes, precious metal items, collateral, and important blank vouchers And so on, it needs to carry out inbound and outbound distribution and warehouse automatic inventory supervision, so how to ensure that the process is efficient and safe? RFID equipment quickly realizes the information collection of important items and shortens some risks caused by manual statistics. How to create a security wall for RFID equipment in bank business management!

  Through the entire process of RFID equipment to control the storage and delivery of vault-related resources, such as task initiation, task approval, task execution, task tracking, task completion, and other storage, inventory and other functions; improve operation speed, efficiency, and accuracy As well as the integration of information, the accuracy of treasury management and the convenience of operation are improved, and data errors and delays are reduced.

  The treasury resources are loaded with RFID electronic tags to enable them to have unique identification, and provide technical support for the fine management of the treasury, so that the resources can be checked, recorded, counted, and traced in real time. Reduce the dependence on people in daily work and reduce human errors; automatic reading of materials in and out reduces errors in and out of the warehouse; at the same time, it is also convenient for real-time reconciliation of the treasury and finance.

  1. Warehouse management

  Inbound and outbound resources can be read in batches through the channel card reader. The system automatically records the inbound and outbound log information (on-duty library administrator, receiver, transfer time, specific task details, resource details). Generate warehousing reports and automatically compare them with the original task schedule. For some abnormal situations in the process of entering and leaving the warehouse, such as the loss of resources or illegal resources entering and leaving the warehouse, the system can automatically warn and activate the monitoring system and send alarm signals.

  2. Move library management

  Every time the location of the treasury resource changes in the treasury, its specific location can be tracked and confirmed through the RFID electronic tag, and the system will automatically update the location change data in the system.

  3. Inventory management

  Treasury management is a regular periodic inventory of treasury resources in accordance with treasury management rules and regulations, so as to grasp the current status of treasury materials in a timely manner. During the inventory, the RFID handheld is used to scan the resources that need to be inventoryed. The system automatically counts and records the current location information of the resources, etc., and compares with the system resources, and automatically generates a comparison report.

  4. Inventory query

  For treasury resources, in accordance with the treasury management rules and regulations, when conducting regular spot checks, the designated resources can be scanned by PDA and electronic scanning gun, the resource information can be read, and the detailed information of the resource can be compared with the system.

  5. Inventory warning

  Treasury resources can be set by resource warning values. In the inventory and inventory query, when the inventory quantity is less than or greater than the set warning value, the system will prompt the administrator that the resource quantity has been lower or higher than the set warning value, which is convenient for the warehouse. The administrator even adjusts the number of treasury resources stored.

  6. Personnel Identity Verification

  When the treasury is transferred in and out of the warehouse, it directly scans the RFID identity card of the transfer person through the handheld terminal, and compares it with the personnel information recorded in the system, such as gender, name, age, photo, etc., to facilitate rapid and accurate identification. verify.

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