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RFID Technology Improves Warehouse Logistics Supply Chain Management

source:Industry News Popular:rfid fpc tag release time:2022-06-06 08:57:05 Article author:yu

  Warehousing logistics has been widely used in every field, and the transparency of warehousing logistics supply chain management and inventory turnover have become the focus of control. The application of RFID technology will vigorously promote the field of commodity circulation, especially in warehousing, distribution, retail management and other links to play such a role. Effectively reduce out-of-stock losses and improve warehousing and logistics efficiency. RFID technology improves warehousing logistics supply chain management.

  RFID technology is used to carry out intelligent management of warehouse logistics. First, each goods are affixed with electronic labels, and the readers in each channel of the channel warehouse identify the information of the labels to judge the goods in storage, out of the warehouse, allocation, transfer and displacement, inventory count, etc. Process, automatic data collection through RFID reader data, to ensure the speed and accuracy of data input in all aspects of warehouse management, to ensure that enterprises can grasp the real data of inventory in a timely and accurate manner, to achieve efficient cargo search and real-time inventory count, It is beneficial to improve the work efficiency of warehouse management, get rid of the time-consuming and laborious traditional warehouse management, reasonably maintain and control the enterprise inventory, and make the enterprise operate efficiently.

  By operating the handheld terminal, the staff can directly complete various links such as warehousing/warehousing/inventory management, basic/system information management and data statistical analysis on the job site, reducing the efficiency and error rate of manual operations; using wireless network to carry out For data interaction, through the control and management of data rights, data processing has a complete error correction mechanism, which can detect and process differential data in time, and has a flexible data processing mechanism.

  Handheld terminal application:

  Inventory management

  After receiving the storage order, the products are put into storage according to certain rules. When the RFID electronic tag (ultra high frequency) enters the electromagnetic wave range of the RFID fixed reader, it will be actively activated, and then the RFID electronic tag and the RFID fixed reader will be activated. The writer communicates, and the relevant data can be collected into the system. You can also directly use the handheld terminal to collect data on the goods at close range. Then compare the relevant data with the order, check whether the quantity and model of the goods are correct, and if there are any errors or omissions, carry out manual processing, and finally deliver the goods to the designated location and place them according to the rules.

  Outbound management

  Use the RFID handheld terminal to collect the information of the RFID electronic label, check whether it corresponds to the plan, and according to the delivery plan, the goods out of the warehouse are sorted and processed. The data is sent to the management center to update the database to complete the delivery.

  inventory management

  According to the requirements of warehouse management, carry out regular and irregular inventory. Traditional inventory is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to errors. And all this RFID solves these problems. When there is an inventory plan, the RFID handheld terminal is used to carry out inventory scanning of goods, and the information of clothing inventory can be transmitted to the background database through the wireless network, and the information in the database can be carried out. Compare, generate difference information and display it on the RFID handheld terminal in real time, for the inventory staff to check. After the inventory is completed, the inventory information is checked with the database information in the background, and the inventory is completed.

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