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RFID combined with drones makes smart warehouses more convenient.nfc manufacturer

source:Industry News Popular:rfid fpc tag release time:2022-06-09 09:45:01 Article author:yu

  In recent years, the rapid rise of e-commerce platforms, e-commerce online shopping has become a very popular shopping channel, resulting in higher and higher standards of logistics and warehousing management and control, making it continue to increase informatization and intelligent construction. RFID UAV intelligent warehouse material inventory is simple and fast, allowing UAV intelligent hangar material inventory to carry out inbound management, outbound management, inventory collection and inspection, and FRID UAV can replace some manpower to complete warehouse inventory work. When the goods are placed on high shelves, it will be more convenient to use the drone to count the goods. Perhaps in some high temperature or dangerous spaces, it will be safer to use the drone to complete the operation. RFID combined with drones makes smart warehouses more convenient.

  RFID intelligent warehouse management can optimize inventory count work and collect information on warehouse items more efficiently and quickly. RFID technology combined with drones can easily reach places that people cannot enter, especially areas with high risk factors, and after being programmed, drones can perform large-scale and repetitive missions in a fixed space according to navigation work. Both accuracy and power are better than human.

  Advantages of RFID drone smart warehouse:

  RFID drones will scan the warehouse, noting the orientation of each inventory item. This data will be used to adjust whether the information in the inventory management system is consistent with the actual inventory information.

  The RFID drone smart warehouse can know the orientation information of the loader in the warehouse.

  RFID drones can efficiently capture data and reduce manual process errors.

  Web-based systems allow collaboration among all shared network participants.

  Compared with forklifts, there are height restrictions, and RFID intelligent warehouse management can locate all goods in the warehouse.

  The FRID card reader repeater is smaller, which means that adding a small repeater will not change the overall size and weight of the UAV much, which will improve the safety of the warehouse UAV to a certain extent. Let warehouse control also allow small drones to operate. Although the current drone solves many problems with the use of RFID tags, the operation still requires a bulky card reader attached to the drone. That means drones also have to be big enough to match the scale and heft of the hardware, making them bulky, dangerous, and unable to drill down to the center of a stacked product.

  RFID drones can replace some manpower and cannot complete warehouse inventory work. When goods are placed on high shelves, it is more convenient to use drones to count the goods, or in some high-temperature or dangerous spaces, it is also possible to use drones to complete operations. will be more secure. But the size and weight of drone hardware bundled with FRID readers has also increased, increasing the risk of drone crashes. Most of the drones with autonomous navigation capabilities that can be used in large warehouses are small drones, which cannot carry relatively larger RFID readers.

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