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What is RFID technology?Pet microchip producer

source:Industry News Popular:rfid fpc tag release time:2022-06-17 09:41:01 Article author:yu

  What is RFID technology?

  rfid technology generally refers to radio frequency identification or radio frequency identification technology (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID), which is a kind of automatic identification technology. It is considered to be one of the most promising information technologies in the 21st century.

  Radio frequency identification technology does not contact fast information exchange and storage technology through radio waves, combines data access technology through wireless communication, and then connects to the database system to achieve non-contact two-way communication, thus achieving the purpose of identification, for data exchange, A very complex system is connected in series. In the identification system, the reading, writing and communication of electronic tags are realized through electromagnetic waves. According to the communication distance, it can be divided into near field and far field. For this reason, the data exchange method between the read/write device and the electronic tag is correspondingly divided into load modulation and backscatter modulation.

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